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It’s already two months into 2016. Wow, time is already flying. Wasn’t it just yesterday that you were setting your career and eCommerce goals for the year?

And, be honest with yourself, has it also been over a month since you’ve looked back on those goals?

We’ve all been there. We have one day of intense goal planning and then life gets in the way and we let it all go. We don’t mean for it to happen, and we always intend to pick up those goals again “after this week is over” or “tomorrow” but then tomorrow turns into a month later and we are behind!

Sure, “we” isn’t everyone, some of you are go-getters that never let anything get in the way of your goals, but for the rest of us that have occasional bouts of priority scrambling, this is your get back on track reminder.

So, how can you get your goals back on track?

The simplest step is to dust off that list of goals and re-read them. As you go through your goals, think about the reasons behind each one. Do these goals mean the same thing to you now as they did last month? The decision behind each goal is more important than the goal itself, so really think through everything.

Then, reevaluate with your current state of affairs in mind. Did the distractions that kept you from thinking of your goals the past few weeks also change how important those priorities were? If needed, reorganize your goal list to share the most important goal first and then move downwards from there. Re-writing your goals in a new format is a great way to understand how they fit into your small business practices.

Do you want to start from scratch?

And if those goals simply aren’t working for your store anymore, take a look at these posts for some goal worthy inspiration:

There is no rule that says you have to stick with the same goals all year. In fact, any and every day can be the start of a new set of priorities. We’d strongly recommend looking at your goals often and reevaluating as the year goes on so that you are always doing what is best for your business now, not what you thought your company needed a year ago.

So if you are looking at your old list and decide that it’s time to start from the drawing board, don’t hesitate. Or even if you didn’t set any goals at all this year, now is a great time to get started.

The one goal we recommend to all of our clients

Responsive eBay designs from OCDesignsonline

The time is now to get a responsive eCommerce design. More shoppers are using mobile to make their purchases than ever before, so make sure you aren’t losing any sales by touting a clunky design that doesn’t adjust to your customer’s screen size.

Not sure where to start? Our team can optimize your site at an affordable price. Contact OCDesignsonline for a free quote and we can talk more on what your store needs to succeed in 2016. 

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