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From an early age I can recall staring dreamily out the window of my parent’s black Ford Explorer, watching patches of earth pass as we drove from our suburban home into the city. There was one particular gas station which faced a distinct looking red building. I was always able to gauge where we were in our journey once I saw the monochromatic faces of ‘the three boys’- Pep Boys that is!

If brand recognition left that kind of lasting impression on my child mind, imagine the impact it has on fully fledged adults!

While you might not think a national brand like Pep Boys needs to sell on an ecommerce platform, the fact is that anyone looking to maximize their online exposure and increase sales has a vested interest in custom eBay Store Designs like this one. Our web experts have just the right combination of creativity and know-how to help your online business thrive.

Graphics and Display eBay Store Design That iconic logo sits proudly in the top left corner- its three original founders smiling back as customers enter the storefront. Since many have only ever made their purchases in persons, choosing to shop online may be a bit of a departure. Consistent branding is great way to inspire trust among loyal customers.

A standard navigation bar appears below in bright blue. Here, shoppers may click on any of the four links which follow. A home button takes customers back to the main page no matter where they are on the site while an about button gives additional background into the company back story. For store policies or contact information, one need only look to the next two tabs.

Next, our designers aptly included a custom search bar in this custom eBay Shop Design, making it a cinch for shoppers to easily single out specific products or brands.

Maximize Listings with Custom eBay Store Design


No space goes unused on our watch!

In the left sidebar of this custom eBay Template, we’ve included an ‘About Us’ section which details the start of this iconic brand.

Black and white photos add to the overall nostalgia of the content and continues to forge trust with online shoppers


Finally, an invitation to join the store newsletter and custom footer brings this eBay Store Design to a soft close. With one last flash of the logo, the shopping experience is complete.

Custom eBay Store Footer

If you want to start seeing more sales, check out our custom eBay Shop Designs. We’d love to offer you a free quote and don’t forget, we also offer custom Facebook and Twitter page design!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook!

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