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To really make an impact online, ecommerce retailers like Treasure Island Coin often take advantage of OC Designs Online combo store solutions. What are these combos? For one, we offer a custom eBay store design along with matching listing templates for continuous form and brand building.

Custom eBay store design for coin stores

It’s important for eBay retailers to build a brand just as brick and mortar retailers do. That means you need engaging themes and imagery that immediately announce what you sell along with strong brand building why buy from us tools.

Treasure Island Coin is now on its way to building a great brand and with their new eBay store design and matching listing template, their eBay store is more than just an ecommerce store—it’s an online store with a definite trademark design to ensure buyers are enticed and stay within the store.

Custom eBay listing template designs

For this eBay store design, we included a background design that offers the feeling of a “treasure island.” Along with placing Treasure Island Coin’s company name in the center, the top of this eBay storefront also includes a search the store tool and coin imagery and important why buys. The why buys at the top announcing they offer fast free shipping, a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee and hassle free returns are all essential to immediately grab the shopper’s attention.

Free eBay listing template editor

The blue navigation top toolbar allows shopper to learn more about Treasure Island Coin, their store policies, a place to contact them and an easy tab where buyers can browse all listings.  Below this bar are association badges for trust building along with the types of payments they accept including PayPal—and how they ship—the US Postal Service.

The welcome to our store box also includes coin imagery in sharp, clean and crisp detail and the left sidebar offers a quick link to customer support and a list of shop categories with sub-header links so buyers can narrow down shopping choices easier.

eBay store design and matching eBay listing template

Also on the left sidebar menu is a venue for shoppers to sign up for a free newsletter or connect directly to auctions that are ending soon. The featured category section includes clickable boxes for easy shopping.  The bottom of this eBay store design offers a mini sitemap and repeats the company logo name.

With our eBay listing template, Treasure Island Coin gets the advantage of a free template editor as well as the continual theme of never leaving this eBay store. Along with an easy to use listing tool, the template design also includes the entire storefront imagery to help build this ecommerce retailer’s brand consistently. This is so important to do within each item listed because instead of a mundane listings you build trust by incorporating your storefront elements.

eBay store listing template and combo design packages

At OC Designs Online, we are experts at eBay store designs and eBay listing templates—that’s why we offer what we call our store solutions combo pack! These store solutions are something that can and will take your eBay store to the next level.

Request an affordable quote from us, be sure to browse our wide and colorful portfolio and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook!

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