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3DCart has been around for ten  years and has over 10,000 ecommerce stores and that’s why OC Designs Online was proud to help IcyDeals create the very best 3DCart store design so they could start getting noticed in the online retailer world.

3DCart Store designs for Electronics Retailer

3DCart store designs offer a lot of options for ecommerce stores and for this retailer we wanted to use 3DCart to its fullest!

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At the top of IcyDeal’s 3DCart store design of course we included their logo, easy search tool, toll-free telephone number and links to their About US page, Blog, Contact and FAQ pages. Because IcyDeals offers quite the assortment of items, below the top bar we included an easy-to-navigate category bar so shoppers could instantly click on items wanted—BBQ, Electronics, Fire Pits and more along with all of their social media buttons so folks can follow and interact with IcyDeals.

3DCart store designs

Next because 3DCart offers this great solution we created a slideshow banner to showcase store items, special deals and must-have company info—fast shipping, great customer service and their money-back guarantee. Beside the slide-show banner is a great area for IcyDeals to show off each week’s special deal.

A little further down are the category clickable boxes for instant shopping and text to let buyers read more about IcyDeals—this often helps build brand identity and trust. Below the store about us text are featured products and top sellers to help shoppers narrow down their search even further.

Picnic and BBQ 3DCart store designs

At the bottom of this 3DCart store design are promotional badges and checkout options—both Amazon and PayPal. Lastly the bottom menu includes 3DCart ecommerce essentials like why choose IcyDeals, a place to browse their individual pages and a follow-up list of all of their store categories.

OC Designs Online was happy to create this 3DCart store design for IcyDeals and if you find 3DCart is the right ecommerce solution for your online store, simply Request a Quote and don’t forget to view our portfolio pages to gain a better idea on how we can turn your ecommerce store into something special with a 3DCart store designed individually created just for your ecommerce needs!

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