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When it comes to electronics, it’s often the case that you can find a great deal on eBay. There are a lot of stores dealing in electronics on eBay, however, and it can be hard to stand out from them all. When OnGoingSale approached OCDesignsonline for help standing out from the crowd, we had several ideas to help make them shine using a custom eBay store design.

What really sets this store apart from others is the scrolling featured items. When someone lands on the site, that person will notice that the featured products box scrolls up so that products are changing and appearing in front of customers’ eyes. We like this effect because it draws interest and it can help boost a store’s bottom line by encouraging customers to make a purchase. We also created a daily deal box for our client, and this also helps draw customers in and encourages them to purchase the item on special now rather than waiting for another day.

eBay listing

Small choices can make or break an eBay store design

We wanted the store to feel like it all hung together nicely. Thus, we took the colors from our client’s logo, and we wove them through the site. We even played with the colors (blue and red) in the company’s logo. When a customer lands on this custom eBay page, it really feels like it’s its own store. You see the usual retailer information at the top – phone number, live chat, payments accepted, search bar. Then comes the menu bar where customers questions about store policies are answered, and then the store’s header is next. We highlighted the store’s unique selling points here, then underneath that is where we placed the scrolling featured items box. In all, it’s a very eye-grabbing site.

Category buttons are at the bottom of the page

Because we really wanted to grab customers’ attention using the scrolling feature, we put the category buttons at the bottom of the page. This way, customers must scroll past the featured products box to get to them. By using images on the category buttons, we made it much easier for customers to find exactly those products for which they would search.

The feedback plug in lets customers see how great the store’s ratings are

Why hide your store’s feedback when we can create a plugin that lets you shout your success rates from your storefront? Let customers see your ratings. This kind of transparency helps to build trust – particularly for merchants dealing in electronics.

Let OCDesignsonline create a custom eBay store design for your store and your products

We have a large selection of listing templates from which our clients may choose. Take a moment to browse our portfolio and when you’re ready, request a free quote. Also, don’t forget to find us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and check out our Google+ Page too!

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