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Large bodies of water often come with a lot of wonder. What’s out there? How does the ecosystem really function as a whole? And better yet: Where will I catch the largest fish? Although some of these questions don’t have a definite answer Northern Marine Electronics can help answer the latter. The ecommerce store went fishing for a custom look and found exactly what they were looking for at OCdesignsonline. The shop now has a custom eBay store design that simplifies shopping and points customers in exactly the direction they’re looking to go. Come see what’s out there!

Custom eBay Store Design

The header of this custom eBay shop design has a soft and neutral tone. The blue and white design in the logo has been incorporated into the design of the shop. The store name resides on the left hand side of the header with payment options on the right. The PayPal seal of approval shines and pops from the white backdrop. A blue information panel stretches across the screen allowing customers to become more familiar with the store. The panel hosts tabs that enable customers to view all of the store listings, review feedback and even contact customer support. The panel also hosts a custom search panel so customers can browse by keyword. Worldwide shipping is a perk that’s highlighted with a larger font making it known that Northern Marine Electronics is a global company!

The midsection of this eBay store design welcomes customers to the shop instantly. “Welcome!” is posted in a large, bold font along with a brief introduction to the shop. The welcome pane has a high resolution image of a Raymarine product offered on the site. Along the left hand side of the page is a custom category panel. This list has a variety of brands and electronic gear right at the customer’s fingertips! Raymarine, along with a good handful of other brand names, can be found in this section to help shoppers skim inventory with ease!

The footer of this eBay shop design is dedicated to category tabs. Each tab holds an image representing the category and a title listed in all capital letters.

OCdesignsonline have a wide array of eBay listing templates to choose from on the site. Take a moment to browse our portfolio and request a free quote. Also, don’t forget to find us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and check out our Google+ Page too!

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