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The shape to a woman’s heart may not always come in the form of a heart. Sometimes it comes in the shape of a pear, oval or princess. These gem and diamond cuts are sure to brighten eyes and turn heads. Accessories, whether it be jewelry or a matching handbag, can complete the outfit. US Florida Store just dressed up their shop with a custom eBay store design through OC Designs Online.  Now, the shop is glistening and makes dazzling new customers a breeze at first sight! 

Graphics and Display eBay Store Design

The header of the storefront is simple with a classic appearance. This eBay shop design places the store name and logo in the top center of the store. Below the logo customers will find an information panel. Each tab within the panel allows the shopper to become better acquainted with US Florida Store. They can read over policies, browse the FAQs and even reach out to top quality customer support with the “Contact Us” tab. 

In the case that online shoppers know what they’re looking for they can head to the right hand side of the information panel. The customized search tab allows shoppers to browse products or insert inquiries for the store! Skimming over rings with an “oval cut” or browsing “yellow handbags” is now a cinch.

Maximize Listings with Custom eBay Store Design

 The midsection of this custom eBay store design draws the eyes to products and perks. Customers can’t miss the diamond rings dangling from thread. The photo is focused on the gems and the sophisticated design of the jewelry. Above the image is a panel highlighting advantages with shopping at US Florida Store. Free 24 hour shipping and hassle free returns are just a few of the benefits with shopping at this eBay store. Once the customer is convinced they’re at a quality shop they can begin browsing by simply clicking the “Start Shopping” tab. Before long a page of products will be before their eyes.

Custom eBay Store Footer

The beauty in it all is that the eBay template is a custom fit for the shop. The above tabs in this eBay shop design allow customers to browse specific categories with ease. Whether the ring is for a female or male, the tab clicked will enable the shopper to simplify their search and find their custom fit ring.

You choose the layout and OC Designs Online brings a new exciting presence to your shop. Take some time to browse our portfolio of store designs, and then request a free quote. If you have any questions feel free to ask!

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