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Every morning there’s often a routine to get ready. People may wash their face first, brush their teeth, or hop straight in the shower. Before long it’s time to get dressed. Shoes are typically the last clothing item to go on before walking out of the door. They’re the item that can make your day go smoothly or have you tripping all over the place. Now, it’s easy to leave the house feeling confident and comfortable with RightFootShoes. The Bigcommerce shop teamed up OC Designs Online for a custom store design. If you simply feel like your store is taking a stroll in the park when it could be running a marathon take a look at how customizing your ecommerce store can be the perfect fit!

Graphics and Display BigCommerce Store Design

Whether it’s heels or hiking boots RightFootShoes has a variety for both genders. The shop logo is in the top left hand corner of the storefront header. The heel is in a soft pink with the boot in a navy blue with correlating fonts. The shop slogan, “We’ll get you started on the right foot!” is displayed in the lower portion of the logo to keep brand identity strong. Below the logo online shoppers can find a navy blue panel that reaches across the screen. This panel hosts tabs for shopping categories. It also holds a search tab so customers can search for specific products and inquiries!

Maximize Listings with Custom BigCommerce Store Design

The great thing about OC Designs Online is that a custom tab can fit in with any design scheme. The above tab enables online shoppers to search for shoes based on brand and size. The tab is split into two sections for both genders. The store logo graphics are in the tab topic to tie the store theme together making for a perfect fit!

Custom BigCommerce Store Footer

The footer of this Bigcommerce shop design lays everything out on the table. Or shall we say closet? Shoes are displayed and modeled with high resolution photos. Individual tabs list a category name and a visual of the product to go with each photo. Ready to find some shoes to go with a particular outfit? Just click the “Start Shopping” tab and shoppers will be on their way to finding a perfect pair!

OC Designs Online specializes in taking an ecommerce store and turning it into a personal shopping experience. With over thousands of templates to browse there is something for everyone. Take a moment to browse our portfolio and request a free quote. We have a feeling you’ll love what you see!

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