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While sports apparel is fairly insulated from changes in season, during the new year shoppers buy it up at breakneck speeds in an effort to rid themselves of the extra poundage they my have tacked on during the holidays.

Looking to capitalize on the peak buying season, Eazy Peaches Sports Apparel decided to make sure their ecommerce site was in tip top condition. To do so, they contacted the experts over at OC Designs Online to customize an eBay Store Design on their behalf. Check out our expertise in action!

Graphics and Display eBay Store Design

With a cherry tomato red highlighting key elements, the main navigation bar makes it easy to access key company information including, policies, FAQs and contact info. Above, shoppers are invited to search the store, while avoiding any lag times. By entering key words or phrases into this field, customers can quickly go from browsing to buying.

The welcome graphic is adorned with reasons to shop including next day shipping, low price and authenticity guarantees, high customer service ratings, and more!

eBay custom category page

Next, store categories are divided into two easy to navigate ways. First, in the left sidebar dozens of brands and styles are available for selection, while three simple, overarching links divide merchandise into Women’s apparel, men’s apparel, and accessories.

It is in the welcome message below customers are warmly greeted as they make their way through this well-organized eBay Shop Design.

Maximize Listings for eBay Store

In the eBay template‘s midsection, a swath of eight featured items take up prime real estate, offering shoppers quality, brand name attire at a steal!

Custom eBay Store Footer

The left sidebar closes out with an invitation to receive exclusive emails about new items and special promotions by electing to sign up for the store newsletter.

For added convenience, in addition to the array of credit cards accepted, Eazy Peaches Sports Apparel also has an agreement with PayPal, so completing purchases couldn’t be easier.

Finally, a custom footer completes the eBay Store Design, with a mini sitemap and the EP logo.

Are you ready to take your ecommerce site to the next level with a custom eBay Store Design? OC Designs Online can help!

Be sure to browse our portfolio and then request a free quote to ensure you capture the audience you want and sell more than ever with our smart and effective storefronts.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Google+ and be sure to check out our Pinterest page!

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